Explore The Kingdom Gallery
Hi Folks!
I’m Alfie, the Head Elf here at Santa’s Magical Kingdom. Santa asked me to describe a few of our scenes for you. I’ll try…but every elf knows you need to experience the Kingdom to fully appreciate its magic!
Want to know how Santa’s Magical Kingdom began? Click here to read a magical poem that tells the whole story!

Along the way, you’ll encounter Elfland, our very own village in the trees where we live, work, and play. Sometimes a lucky elf catches a ride on a friendly butterfly as Santa’s flying reindeer soar overhead. You’ll get a chuckle when you watch the acrobatic elf who tries to swing across the road on a rope but ends up in a comical mishap.

The Tunnel of Dancing Lights is back by popular demand. It’s as long as a football field and features state of the art lighting animation, (along with a touch of Elfin magic). The special effects are so spectacular they will take your breath away!
Dolphins splash in a river of lights as they frolic alongside your car; and if you look carefully, you’ll see angels learning how to fly as you pass by their flight training school.
Santa’s Magical Kingdom even has its own version of the famous St. Louis Gateway Arch complete with a dazzling explosion of “fireworks” that light up the sky.

Well folks, this is just a glimpse of some of the incredible sights that await your discovery here at our Kingdom. We invite you to join us this season to start a holiday family tradition of spending good times together where fond childhood memories and a little imagination can still exist in an enchanting fantasyland called.. Santa’s Magical Kingdom.
Elf / C.E.O. (Chief of Elf Operations)